Darashakran Run Club Runners

The 2021 Iraqi Marathon Fun Run, a substitute for the marathon due to the Covid outbreak.

The finish line of the 2021 Iraqi Marathon Fun Run, an 4k race at the end of November.

Girls run in street shoes during the 2021 Iraqi Marathon Fun Run.

Teachers prepare their students for the 2021 Iraqi Marathon Fun Run.

Another girl runs in jeans and street shoes during the 2021 Iraqi Marathon Fun Run

Zainab, a resident of the Darashakran Refugee Camp, accepting her prize for winning second place in the 2021 Iraqi Marathon Fun Run.

Zainab, a member of the Darashakran Run Club, after finishing the 10K race during the 2023 Erbil Marathon weekend. (Photo by Carlotta Cardana)

To donate money, go to the Darashakran Run Club Just Giving Page or contact Adrian Brune at ambrune@gmail.com for a donation of lightly used running shoes, clothes and other gear.